Monday, May 24, 2010

All about the South Florida Kingsnakes

1. Where, geographically, are th`ese reptiles found in the world?

           a. Given the name, you can obviously find these snakes in South Florida. They can also be found
                in the Jacksonville area.

2. Does this reptile represent a subspecies and/or any color varieties within this species?

                 a.  Subspecies of the Southern Fl. Kingsnake:
  • Grey-Banded kingsnake
  • Common Kingsnake
  • Ruthven's Kingsnake
  • Scarlet's Kingsnake          
3. General Information:

                            a.  At what size do these reptiles attain at maturity?
                                38-48 In.; 14 G.

                             b. What is the average life span of this reptile?
                                   10-15 Yrs.
                             c. What types of natural habitats do these favor?
                                   Kingsnakes prefer a warmer climate in the day. It actually make sense, since this
                                    snake originated from Florida. However, these snakes perfer a cooler night.

                             d. Any unique charactaristics to this group of reptiles?
                                  These snakes are only found in florida.
                                  They are non-venomous.
                                  Rarely will this snake bite.
                            e. Are they an endangered or protected species?

4. Reproduction
                                a. Mating - Time of year? Do they need cooling down periods?
                                      Breeding takes place in March and April with 6-18 eggs lain in
                                       May or June. A 2-3 month cooling period in needed.

                               b. When do they reach sexual maturity?
                                     2 years if age

                               c. Lay eggs? Live birth? How many young? Gestation period?
                                   These snakes do lay eggs and give live birth. They lay 6-18
                                    eggs. The gestation period is 21 - 28 days.

5. Care in Captivity

                                a. Cage size:
                                     29 gallon enclosure.
                                b. Feeding:
                                       Feed on pinkies and baby mice. As they mature, you can feed them adults.
                                c. Substrates:
                                      A place to hide, and some piece of bedding.
                                 d. Temperature:
                                       85 degrees farenhieght
                                  e. Any special needs or care?

6. Pictures:

7. Links:







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